27 October 2011

Day 19: Jaime and Tom's last day

The mood is sombre this morning as we wake up to Jaime and Tom's last day in Morocco. The weather has even joined in - it is pouring with rain. We decide to have a leisurely morning and go out somewhere nice for lunch later on. Whilst Tom settles down to play 'Just Cause 2' on Mart's computer - he's become very fond of that game over the last few days - Jaime, Mart and myself sit and reminisce over cups of tea about all the fun we've had over the last few days. We talk about our most enjoyable moments, funniest moments, happiest moments, until we are all talked out, then it's time to pack :(

Just Cause 2

It doesn't seem like the rain is going to stop today, so we head off into the new town of Marrakech called Gueliz to a cafe/restaurant that Mart and I stumbled across last week. It is a lovely little French place called 'le Charlot' and it is based on the theme of Charlie Chaplin. There are stills from his movies decorating the walls, etchings of his face on the glass tables and the windows, and even the lights have bowler hats similar to Charlie Chaplin's as light shades. We eat inside - in stark contrast to last week when Mart and I sat outside in brilliant sunshine and perused the people passing by. The food is very tasty; lasagne, breaded chicken breast, pizza and kefta (meatball tajine) are all enjoyed by their respective diners in these beautiful surroundings.

Le Charlot cafe/restaurant
Tom showing off his stashes of leftover dirhams

After an hour or so, we decide we've sat here for long enough, we still have another hour left before we need to head to the airport and we don't want to waste a single minute of time now that it is so precious. Marrakech old and new town have both been explored, we've enjoyed a trip into the mountains, we've trekked to local villages, the only other main aspect of this region as yet unexplored is the Palmeraie, so we decide to go for a drive.

How the Palmeraie should look!
The entrance to Marcus and Emma's house
complete with palm tree which has to be
driven around and Jojo in the background :-)

The Palmeraie is an area of Marrakech which is filled with thousands of date palms forming a vast oasis in which are dotted many hamlets where local Moroccans live. Since the 1970s this has become prime real estate and many expensive villas have been built under strict guidelines for wealthy Moroccans and Europeans. One of the rules is that not one palm tree can be destroyed - which makes for very interesting roads with palm trees stuck in the middle! Today, however, the Palmeraie looks very different in the rain - what should have been a sandy green oasis offering camel rides has now become a deserted muddy area, puddles everywhere! Much to Tom's delight we speed through the puddles as we wind our way through the palm groves, whilst Jaime and I inspect the ornate oversized gates behind which lie the secret lives of celebrities and local wealthy people.

Who lives in a house like this?
A typical view in the Palmeraie

Our last meal together
We can put it off no longer...the airport beckons. We are all feeling sad after a fun-filled five days, but all good things must come to an end, and the invitation is there to return.


  1. :( the end of our fantastic adventure. Back to reality. Love jaime.xx

  2. Kath I just wanted to say your blog is a brilliant read, I feel as if I was there with Jaime & Tom lol.... very enjoyable.

    Jo xx
    (Jaimes Sister)

  3. Thanks, Jo - glad you're enjoying the blog. Jaime, hope work is going okay, we miss you and Tom, so quiet without you, lol x


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