10 October 2011

Day 2: A brand new day...

What a night! Couldn't sleep a wink - too hot, too tired, too much adrenalin flowing through my body, too many thoughts: basically First Night In A Strange Place Syndrome!
But now it's a brand new day. As we clamber out of bed and into the lounge we hear a noise...not a loud noise, but most definitely a scurrying noise...enough to make me think the worst, cockroaches, rats or an unknown beastie just waiting to be discovered. I look up...and there it is...the Gecko which has made her home in the rustic wooden ceiling of our lounge...henceforth to be fondly known as Gertie Gecko. We have a pet!

Mart and I on our balcony
The weekly shop in Marrakech's best supermarket, the french chain store 'Carrefour' is done, we've purchased an iron and ironing board, a kettle and other necessary equipment to make our house a home - or at least the start of one. Now the house needs a Very Good clean - it hasn't been lived in for ages, so dust covers every surface and we can hardly see through the fab floor-to-ceiling windows that run the length of the lounge and will afford us such wonderful views of the mountains once clean. This is not a quick or easy job...I guess it will be one of those 'a bit every day' tasks until it is up to the standard required!

Check out these shorts!
Did I mention that Mart forgot to pack his shorts? Of all the things to leave behind, only my husband could forget such a standard piece of kit when moving to live under the African sun for 3 months! Fortunately for him, we found his swimming shorts tucked into the corner of the case...Why did he pack those? We don't have a swimming pool and we are living inland, miles from the sea. I was envisaging him emerging from the souks sporting a pink pair with yellow flowers on them a la mode admired by the locals. Fortunately for him again, his swimming shorts are not speedos!

Beautiful Jojo 
Have also been to see Jojo today - in case you haven't heard me raving about Jojo, he's the dog we have looked after for the last two summers at his owner's villa - Oh the joy of seeing him again. He has spoiled us rotten with affection. Wonder how difficult it would be to smuggle him out of the country?? 


  1. What a fantastic experience you have in front of you. It is a shame there is no pool to cool off in :)

  2. Yes,it would be lovely to have a pool, but I think somehow it may detract from the local non-touristy experience if we had one.
    Will have to dip my toes in the fountain instead x


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