22 May 2012

Snakes alive...

Aargh....three more snakes have been spotted! One by Said outside his house, one by a man who was helping to dig up the crops growing in the garden and accidentally scythed it to pieces...and a third by me as it popped its head out of the shrubbery just outside the window. Said reckons they are looking for water as it has been so hot here this past week, hence he has filled the fountain...yeah, let's have a party and invite them all to ours, duh! Just another of his strange foibles...maybe I haven't mentioned this before, but he sure does some seemingly eccentric things. One of them is to hose down the patio practically every day just so it looks nice for us. Now it's not exactly a small patio...and actually we quite like to sit out there on deckchairs for work breaks during the day, but often we end up being surrounded by water which we have to wade through to get back to the house. Added to this is the fact that he doesn't ever seem to water the plants in the garden..but skirts around these to get to the patio areas....We haven't the heart to suggest that maybe the plants need water more than the patio....Maybe the water has brought the snakes out to play...now there's a thought!

Ugh, snake alert! We heard a squawking sound outside last night and when we went to investigate we saw, camouflaged in the shrubbery, a long snake squeezing the life out of a tiny sparrow...poor thing. Glad the temperatures have finally cooled down, so hopefully if they're reading this THE SNAKES WILL FLEE...pretty please!


Poor sparrow

Talking of eccentric behaviour, whilst we were in the UK the plumber (remember him from the underfloor heating saga?) has been around and replaced the kitchen mixer tap. Pity he has put it in upside down and in such a way that we now cannot open the kitchen window! Who needs to be able to look out at the beautiful peach trees outside whilst washing up anyway?!

As I write, Said is cooking a tagine for himself in our kitchen - with rabbits he has just bought from the market. The poor things have just been killed and skinned and he's now hung them on a hook in our kitchen to dry out whilst he prepares the other ingredients and spices. I hope he doesn't expect us to eat the tagine too!

Rabbit hung out to dry

Poor lickul bunnies :(

I've just been a big brave girl, hanging the washing out on the line all on my lonesome. No mean feat, you may think, but in order to get that far I've had to walk through shrubbery into a remote laundry room full of rubbish, then take the washing out into the garden, walking through very long grass (I've told Said to get a goat so it will keep the grass down - but he prefers a camel, probably so he can use it to entice people to take camel treks locally and make some money out of it. A goat doesn't quite have so many uses!) And where do snakes live? In shrubbery and long grass! What a brave girl am I!


  1. Hope you have some really strong, long boots!!! L. xx


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